Friday, 19 November 2010

Christmas and Artificial Trees

Its getting close to Christmas for yet another year and we'll all be doing what good folks do this time of the year and getting our all the decorations that we had stored away from last year and for many of us that will also include the tree. That's because we made the decision to buy an artificial tree for Christmas that can be reused every year, at least until it wears out or we decide its time to replace it with a bigger, better one.

Of course, many more will be going out into the cold and buying their real tree like they do every year and that's cool too. Whichever you choose to do is completely up to your own personal preference. Well, I don't actually need to buy a new artificial Christmas tree for 2010, as I already have one. Mine is an artificial tree for a few good reasons, at least they seem like good reasons to me. You may disagree if you like. Hey, its still a free world (more or less).

First, I don't have to go out into the cold to buy a real tree, then try and get it home somehow. I don't currently own a truck, so the family sedan is the only option unless I want to pay extra for delivery. Have you ever tried cramming an eight foot tree into a compact sedan? Oh such fun to be had! the top of the tree invariably ends up poking out the front passenger window at a crazy angle so that if any cyclists have the misfortune to be out for a fun ride on a freezing cold November (or December) day and find themselves in the target region for the point of that tree, better make sure your personal life insurance is up to date...

Next, I don't have to wrestle with the spaghetti mess that are the tree light wires, cause my tree is one of those pre-lit beauties. Just hang up a few shiny balls and other fancy tree decorations and I'm done.

Oh, and finally, I don't have to wrestle the dead tree with its dropping needles back into the car to take it to the dump when the thing has had its day and is no longer needed. I love artificial trees for Christmas!

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