Tuesday 16 December 2008

Gift Ideas for Around the Christmas Tree

Around the Christmas tree this year, we have a good many presents already wrapped up waiting for the big day to arrive. The last post "A Real Swinging Party", looked at the big party animal thing and what its all about, while here in this post, I'm calming things down a lot and getting all comfy and relaxed as we sit around on sofas, crashed out and chilled while we think about what's around the Christmas tree.

Well, there are the presents of course. And they're there so early because they've been dropped by relatives and friends that came around to have a drink and a chat and most likely won't have another chance to get around to see us again before the 25th, so the sensible thing to do was to leave them then.

Others are there as we've put some together ourselves in preparation for the big day and so that its not all a mad rush at the last minute to think up gift ideas, buy them, then wrap up dozens of the things and likely forget someone! There are of course the silly presents we give to the dogs, who probably have no notion as to what Christmas is, or any other special day of the year come to think about it! To them its just another day's begging for walks, food and finding a good place to nap. Not necessarily in that order.

What else have we got around the Christmas tree?

Well, there's a table spread out with drinks and empty, upturned glasses waiting for anyone who might drop by, or for a crafty snifter when no one else is looking! There are also some little cakes, biscuits and chocolates wrapped up in a dish for anyone who fancies a treat. That dish gets refilled several times every day as there must be a hungry ghost moping about the place because I swear nobody is admitting to helping themselves!

There is also a throw-away camera ready to snap any silly poses that anyone might get caught in the middle of when they're not quite alert! These are for use all Christmas so that after the event of course, we can all have a good laugh at each other's unfortunate facial expressions or even catch the chocolate thief red handed...

All in all, the best thing that is around the Christmas tree this year is a lot of love, happiness and excitement, which goes to show that no matter what happens elsewhere in this world, the space around the tree is a safe and comfortable oasis where time can stand still, of only for a little while.

I hope you all have a similar space around your Christmas tree this year, but if you're not fortunate enough to have this, then our prayers are with you for better days.

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